Hope Rises has a rich history of providing compassionate care in eSwatini (formerly Swaziland), since 2007, that includes building homes for orphans and widows, building orphan carepoints in rural communities, and operating six pre-schools in the northern Hhohho region of Swaziland.

Since 2012, Hope Rises’ emphasis has been on Child Evangelism. Our team members have been trained by Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) in USA and South Africa, to train volunteers and lead after school Good News Clubs throughout the country.

Hope Rises also leads teams from the USA to visit Swaziland serving alongside our full time Swazi staff, leading children’s ministry or training new Swazi volunteers.


Over the years, we’ve observed young Swazi girls in need of toiletries and sanitary napkins. These items are not easily accessible to them. The mission of the Healthy Girls Club is to ensure the availability of these products, so these young women do not have to earn them through other unhealthy means.

Purchased in-country, it costs about $150 per month to supply 70 girls with the toiletries and sanitary products they need. Our current goal is to raise enough money to support 70 girls for two years ($3,600). We are also in need of partners to come alongside us and help provide salaries for the two women who are serving and loving these young ladies, in the towns where they live.